
Stock options on w2


stock options on w2

People come to Accountants Community options help and answers—we want to let them know that we're here to listen and share our knowledge.

We do that with the style and format of our responses. Here are five guidelines:. Saved to your computer. Select a file to attach: Ask your question to the community.

Most questions get a response in about a day. After you register or sign in, we'll return you to this page so you can options your participation in the community. Back to search results. Asked by chad ProSeries Professional Options Edit Ask for details Archive.

Answer 5 people found this helpful Chad, from publication If you receive compensation from employer-provided nonstatutory stock options, it is reported in box 1 of Form W Sale options the stock.

There options no special income rules for the sale of stock acquired through the exercise of a nonstatutory stock option. Report the sale as explained in the Instructions for Schedule D FormCapital Gains and Losses, for the year of the sale. You may receive a Form B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Sale Transactions, reporting the sales proceeds. Your basis in the property you acquire under the option is the amount you pay for it plus any amount you included in income upon grant or exercise of the option.

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stock options on w2

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Restricted Stock & RSUs: Taxes and Key Decisions

3 thoughts on “Stock options on w2”

  1. Amsteer says:

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  3. alekseystill says:

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