
Mayors biodiversity strategy


mayors biodiversity strategy

Biodiversity plays an important role in regulating the climate, thus making a key contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. At the same time, meeting mitigation targets strategy with ecosystem-based approaches is essential to avert biodiversity loss. Therefore it is impossible to address biodiversity loss without addressing climate change, but it is equally impossible to tackle climate change without addressing biodiversity loss.

Conserving and restoring ecosystems, reducing impacts of climate change on society and contributing biodiversity climate change mitigation is possible by using ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation.

They can provide both responses to climate change challenges and sustain ecosystem functions in the long term, often bringing multiple benefits at comparatively low cost.

The main EU pieces of nature legislation on the long biodiversity protection of biodiversity are the Bird and the Habitat Directives which led to the establishment of the Natura network. Inthe EU adopted the EU Biodiversity Strategy to that sets out a long-term EU vision on biodiversity policy and agreed a range of mid-term targets and actions, also addressing climate change. In the EU adopted a Strategy on Green Infrastructure 'to promote the deployment of green infrastructure in the Biodiversity in urban and rural areas'.

Inthe European Commission published the mid-term review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy towhich strategy progress made in implementing the actions and achieving the targets set out in the strategy. The report demonstrates that action on the ground, supported by adequate financing, can protect and restore nature and the benefits it provides. As a contribution to policy discussions in the context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, the EEA strategy a report on the state of nature in the EU inand various relevant SOER briefings BiodiversityBiodiversity strategy protected areas.

To consider climate change adaptation strategies in EU biodiversity policy, several recommendations for policy adjustments have been made including legal enforcement of connectivity requirements and strategy implementation of adaptive management plans for each Special Area of Conservation SAC of the Natura network.

Guidelines for dealing with climate change in the management of Natura sites were developed in by the European Commission to facilitate site management and decision making at biodiversity and regional levels.

The guidelines specify the need to move from a static conservation perspective to an adaptive management approach, which involves mayors consideration of strategy climate impacts and the design of management actions that take those impacts into account. Mayors infrastructure also contributes to the coherence of the Natura network by improving landscape permeability and thus adding to the resilience of ecological networks to climate biodiversity.

The concept of Green Infrastructure describes ecological networks in their wider context and emphasizes the importance of maintaining and restoring the provision of ecosystem goods and services for society and the value of multi-functional ecosystems. Synergies can be used with other land uses and functions, such mayors agriculture, forestry and water management. The loss of organic soil matter and soil biodiversity also contributes to a decreasing resilience of ecosystems to climate change and is dealt with in the Biodiversity Strategy for Soil Protectionincluding mayors ten-year work programme for the European Commission.

Invasive alien species represent one of the primary threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services, especially in geographically and evolutionary isolated ecosystems, such as small islands, and the risks such species pose may be greater due to climate change.

This is addressed in the EU Regulation on Invasive Species. Activities have been carried out in order to improve the understanding of biodiversity vulnerability to climate change at EU and regional levels activities. Comprehensive data and information on biodiversity in the EU can be found on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe BISE. Work is being carried out by the EU Member States, with assistance of the European Commission, to map and assess ecosystems and their services in their national territory, assess their biodiversity value, and promote the biodiversity of these values into accounting and reporting systems at EU and national level as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.

DG ENV published various studies that can mayors used as a methodological basis for further work on adaptation, e.

The EEA SOER European briefings and the State of the soil report of the JRC review various aspects of soil conditions in the EU, including the role of climate change.

Several research projects supported by the Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development and other EU programmes have increased knowledge on biodiversity vulnerability and adaptation for example MACISBRANCHATEAMEcologicHabit-change.

Research on biodiversity is also supported through the BiodivERsA ERA-Netwhich works to coordinate national research programmes strategy biodiversity across Europe and to organize international funding for research projects in this field on a competitive basis. Several EU-level funds and instruments provide significant financial support for conserving biodiversity and can support the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives also covering climate change aspects: Distributed under the GNU GPL license.

About Database EU policy EU policy - introduction EU Adaptation Strategy EU sector policies EU sector policies - introduction Agriculture Forestry Biodiversity Coastal areas Disaster risk reduction Financial Buildings Energy Transport Health Water management Marine and fisheries EU funding of adaptation Covenant of Mayors Covenant of Mayors - introduction City Profiles Countries, regions, cities Countries, regions, cities - introduction Transnational regions Transnational regions - Introduction Adriatic-Ionian Alpine Space Atlantic Area Balkan-Mediterranean Baltic Sea Central Europe Danube Mediterranean North Sea North Strategy Europe Northern Periphery and Arctic South West Europe Other regions Cities and towns Country Information Knowledge Knowledge - introduction Adaptation information Mayors information - introduction Observations and scenarios Vulnerabilities and risks Adaptation options Strategy strategies Research projects Tools Tools - introduction Adaptation Support Tool Case study search tool Uncertainty guidance Map viewer Urban adaptation support tool Urban vulnerability Map book Guidelines for project managers Additional Tools Network Network - introduction Organisations Global Platforms Help Help - introduction Glossary Tutorial Videos FAQ for users Share your info Guidance to search function.

Biodiversity Biodiversity plays an important role in regulating the climate, thus making a key contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Improving the knowledge base Activities have been carried out in order to improve the understanding of biodiversity vulnerability to climate change at EU and regional levels activities.

Supporting investment and mayors Several EU-level funds and instruments provide significant biodiversity support for conserving biodiversity and can support the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives also covering climate change aspects: Relevant tile mayors Element type: Multimedia Biodiversity and Climate Change Food - adapting to change by sharing information NATURA Safeguarding Europe's biodiversity What is soil?

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mayors biodiversity strategy

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